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Across the globe, Switzerland is associated with hospitality, precision, cleanliness, and good service. OUBH represents European quality at fair prices. Anyone studying with us not only gains a certificate that is backed up by the most important quality labels in the business industry, but they also leave with skills and attributes that are appreciated all over the world and which are very much in demand.

However, theory alone is insufficient unless skills are practiced until they become second nature. We, therefore, place great importance on practical aspects. We offer you part-time study to give you the possibility to work and gain more work experience. Up to now, our students have always succeeded in finding a place during their studies or before graduating.

Students undertake paid work in banks, companies, hotel management, and reception during their training, where they gain insight into the reality of everyday working life.

They are prepared meticulously for this challenge. German is therefore firmly integrated into the teaching programs. As an option, we also offer the French and Spanish languages sometimes. Besides this, we instruct our students about how to conduct themselves during interviews and help them to compile their job application documents…

In the everyday life of the school, they are being trained naturally into the characteristics required for the world of work. We are certain it is only possible for students to learn effectively in an environment where they feel comfortable. We, therefore, foster a friendly atmosphere and personal support. We behave in a tolerant and respectful manner and expect this in turn from our students. We ensure that nobody in our care is discriminated against on the grounds of race, skin color, religion, origin, gender, or age.

However, it is not only among the students that open, online intercultural exchanges take place. During their study, there are various opportunities to come into contact with local students. It is therefore not long before students begin to feel our online academy is 2nd home.

At the same time, students, as well as their families, can be confident that we ourselves are fulfilling the qualities we are putting across.

We endeavor to serve as an example for our students, in that we are always prepared to subject our services to critical appraisal and to make improvements.


The OUBH International Academy of Business & Technology in Switzerland is an independent institution, registered in accordance with Swiss law. Achieve global success by earning your business management diploma online from OUBH. Our diploma program equips you with the essential skills required to thrive in a multinational enterprise. We provide online programs that offer a comprehensive perspective, depth, and professional relevance for both undergraduate and graduate students, empowering you to pursue the career of your dreams.

Welcome to OUBH Academy

100% Online Flexible Learning for International Students

Study ONLINE & Graduate in SWITZERLAND

Our Mission

The mission of the OUBH International Academy of Business & Technology in Switzerland is to provide accessible, affordable, innovative, high-quality learning opportunities and study programs that meet the diverse needs of individuals pursuing integrity in their lives, professions, and communities.

We adhere to the highest standards of academic excellence, and faculty and staff foster a learning community where students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to enhance their lives and advance their careers.

Our Vision

OUBH will be the academy of choice for adult learners and will be recognized as a leader in academic excellence, affordability, and career advancement. We are at the point where higher education and technology converge.

100% Online

 Study ONLINE & Graduate in SWITZERLAND

Our Promise

OUBH is built on the foundations of academic excellence and compassionate commitment to your personal growth, professional development, and academic success. We are committed to your growth and goal to achieve the career of your dreams. Our values are as follows:

Communicate and Collaborate

OUBH is committed to responding to your requests and inquiries within 72 hours, ensuring that you receive the answers you need promptly. We value inclusivity and actively involve others in our decision-making processes. Seeking counsel and welcoming input and ideas from others is integral to our approach at OUBH.

Own It

OUBH upholds accountability and fulfills its commitments with integrity.
OUBH views mistakes as opportunities for growth and continually learns from them.
OUBH consistently delivers on its promises.
OUBH acknowledges its responsibility to assist you in achieving results.

Motivate Students

OUBH prioritizes the student experience above all else.
OUBH stands as an advocate for students, championing their needs and interests.
OUBH is deeply committed to fostering student success and empowering them to reach their full potential.
OUBH actively supports students in achieving their academic and personal goals.

Measure Results

OUBH sets clear outcomes to define success.
OUBH utilizes data-driven insights to inform decision-making processes.
OUBH embraces failure as an opportunity for growth and learning.
OUBH proudly celebrates our achievements and milestones.

Inspire Excellence

OUBH prioritizes continuous self-improvement.
OUBH strives for excellence and does not accept mediocrity.
OUBH wholeheartedly dedicates itself to supporting both students and colleagues.
OUBH sets the standard by demonstrating leadership through action.

Trust and Respect

OUBH ensures fairness and equity for all students and colleagues.
OUBH firmly believes in and supports its vision.
OUBH actively addresses issues and collaborates with students to find solutions.
OUBH demonstrates gratitude and acknowledges the valuable contributions of others.

foster a vigorous

OUBH endeavors to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, driven by modern perspectives, intellectual curiosity, and a collective pursuit of truth. Through this collaborative journey, students acquire knowledge, hone essential skills, and develop values that are instrumental in both personal growth and career advancement.

cultivate student-centered learning

OUBH is committed to fostering student-centered learning at every level, leveraging advanced technological resources and guided by a team of dedicated faculty and staff. Our educators are deeply rooted in contemporary scholarship and professional expertise, ensuring an enriching educational experience for all students.

development of foundational values

OUBH strives to foster the cultivation of fundamental values such as self-worth, creativity, interdependence, service, integrity, and effectiveness. We regard these values as the cornerstone of 21st-century leadership.

WHY Study online at OUBH.

OUBH aims to nurture both intellectual and personal development, fostering sensitivity towards diversity and human dignity, as well as promoting effective and responsible leadership, environmental stewardship, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

For those unable to attend a physical campus due to work commitments or other obligations, our online education platform offers the same opportunities from the comfort of your home or preferred study environment.

Flexibility is key in our online programs, allowing you to balance your studies with work and family responsibilities, thereby achieving a harmonious work-life-study equilibrium. Our courses are meticulously tailored for self-paced learning, ensuring they cater to your individual needs.

With the increasing accessibility of online education, we proudly offer a wide array of programs and courses to help you pursue your dream career, providing you with ample choices to tailor your educational journey to your aspirations.

At OUBH, our courses are conveniently accessible, allowing you to review and engage with course materials at your own convenience.

Moreover, studying online with OUBH doesn't mean you're on your own. We have designed a robust support system and community to keep you focused and motivated throughout your studies.

As evident, online education through OUBH presents a compelling alternative to traditional schooling. Don't hesitate to embark on the path to earning the diploma that will unlock the career of your dreams!

Earning a diploma from OUBH International Academy of Business & Technology in Switzerland can significantly enhance your earning potential.

With a Bachelor's degree, you could potentially earn up to $1 million more than someone with just a high school diploma.

And with a Master's degree, your earning potential could double compared to that of someone with just a high school diploma.

(Source: Lifetime Earnings, U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey)

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